Crossmod / ring mod selection › Forums › Feature Requests › Crossmod / ring mod selection This topic is empty. Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total) Author Posts 2018-10-08 at 20:38 #439 Reply Rikard It would be neat if it was possible to choose from crossmod (mk2) or ringmod (mk1). If not possible to choose,will the mk1 model also be updated with crossmod instead of ring mod? Crossmod is much more preferable. Thanks 2018-10-13 at 09:05 #450 Reply Korzybski I would prefer ring mod as I like to use an audio input to modulate. But the option for both would be great. 2020-08-24 at 23:05 #9669 Reply Andrew Would be a very useful feature for us mk1 owners 😉 Author Posts Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total) Reply To: Crossmod / ring mod selection Your information: Name (required): Mail (will not be published) (required): Website: Please compute: eighty nine − = 83 Submit