Replacing the DSP sound algorithms

Forums Feature Requests Replacing the DSP sound algorithms

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  • #423 Reply

      kraku@Gearslutz wrote:

      Is it possible to replace the DSP sound algorithms or are they fixed for the system?

      #424 Reply

        I’m afraid no, at least for now. The ADSP that the original Electribes use is an obscure Texas Instruments device TMS57070FFT. Lots of smart people have been trying hard to discover its datasheet for decades, but to no avail. Even the guys in Japan do not have it. It is generally believed that this was a one-off production run TI sold to various Japanese music gear manufacturers. Only the pinout of the chip is known, however, there’s nothing at all about programming, op codes etc. Thus it is very very difficult to turn the binary DSP code into something meaningful, not to mention making any changes.

        #9755 Reply

          Just an idea, but shouldn’t the makers of iElectribe know those algorithms? I never used that app, but I read, it would sound on spot.

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